Gandhara Nissan All Set To Launch In Pakistan

As Pakistan’s Automobile industry is dominated by big 3’s which are HONDA, TOYOTA, and SUZUKI. But it seems the tables have turned as there is a threat to these big 3’s in market due to new entrant in market soon. Due to the progress of new entrant in market, the existing auto manufacturers were forced to bring a change in their products and launch their new models in order to compete the new entrants and also to weaken the new entrant from capturing the market.

Nissan is all set to make its comeback in local sector. Nissan has been popular in history of Pakistan due to one of its models ‘Nissan Sunny.’ As at present Ghandhara Nissan is mostly known for its Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) but soon it is planning to make its comeback in manufacturing Light Travel Vehicles (LTV), and for that reason it has signed an agreement with Datsun Auto makers to pursue. The company has notified Pakistan Stock Exchange for manufacturing its plant in Pakistan and for assembling as well as of its auto parts. Ghandhara Nissan has planned to invest $41 Million which are approximately 4.7 billion Rupees. They further stated that this project will provide almost 1800 new jobs. Furthermore, the company is planning to launch its crossover locally right after its launch in market. Moreover, the company is planning to launch its hatchback models including Datsun Go and Datsun Go+.

The company planned to pursue its services in Pakistan as its success in history as well as changing behaviours of people as most of them shifted from local manufacturers to Japanese domestic models (JDM) and they opt to import vehicles from Japan. The company is further deciding to launch new models to provide the people of Pakistan with fresh cars based on Japanese design and technology.

Moreover company is looking for places in major cities for their dealerships in order to expand its network where it will strive hard to sell Datsun cars.  

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