Auto Parts makers offer to produce Medical Equipment

Due to the Coronavirus, there have been a sudden shortage of the medical equipment around the world in almost every country. Some people have stored the medical equipment in high quantity to sell later for profits. Therefore, in order to help the governments to manufacture different types of medical equipment.
The Auto parts makers extend their help and have offered to make medical equipment. As this global pandemic is spreading very rapidly and the need for ventilators and other important medical equipment is increasing. There is also a high need of hand sanitizers, face masks and other essential medical items.

File:Mechanical ventilator.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Auto parts makers have offer their manufacturing facilities, resources and as well as their expertise to make medical equipment such as ventilators and other vital medical equipment. Note here that the ventilators present in the countries are not sufficient if the virus affects a large portion of the population.
Coronavirus started spreading from Wuhan, China, and so far, it has affected more than 1,216, 422 people in different parts of the world. The virus has also resulted in the death of more than 60,000 people so far. Currently; Asia, Europe, North and South America, Middle east and many other countries have also been affected by the Coronavirus.

7 Response to "Auto Parts makers offer to produce Medical Equipment"

  1. Very Good Knowledge 👍🏼

    Unknown says:


    Good keep it up

    Great work

    Unknown says:

    Yes you are right

    Unknown says:

    Quality content

    Informative Blog! Keep it up.

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