Bad Driving Habits You Should Avoid

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Most of the drivers never read the driving rules or even not focus on it. Your wicked driving may ruin someone’s day. Some bad driving habits that people follow sometimes intentionally or unintentionally may be the reason for accidents. Most of the accidents are caused by bad driving routines just like using a mobile phone or careless driving and many others discussed below.
Using Mobile PhoneThis is a very common bad habit. Using a cell phone while driving is the major cause of the accidents. The is not only dangerous for you, but it may affect other people’s life also. Drivers should avoid using a phone while driving.
Not following LaneDriving in your lane is a very common rule but many drivers don’t take it seriously. They don’t follow the lane or try to cross others. In this predicament, their driving is the cause of someone’s injury. They are the reason for the rush on the roads and cause of fatal accidents.
Over SpeedingPeople often do not care about this; they are over-speeding not only on the highways but also on common roads. Over speeding is the main cause of accidents all over the world. They ignore the speed limits set for their own safety. Drivers should not exceed the speed limit and endanger their life. 
Not wearing Seat-belt: A bad driver never wears a seat belt anytime. They know that the seat belt is for safety but still don’t wear it while driving. Often, drivers avoid wearing it because they feel uneasy and uncomfortable while wearing seat-belts. Therefore, there is high chance of driver being seriously injured when not wearing seat-belt.

Wrong Parking: Most people are not good at parking; They have no idea that their careless attitude creates problem for others. They would park their car as they pleased, like taking more space or parking at wrong sides, blocking other cars. Even parking the cars where there is a sign of ‘No Parking’. 

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