Auto Parts makers offer to produce Medical Equipment

Due to the Coronavirus, there have been a sudden shortage of the medical equipment around the world in almost every country. Some people have stored the medical equipment in high quantity to sell later for profits. Therefore, in order to help the governments to manufacture different types of medical equipment.
The Auto parts makers extend their help and have offered to make medical equipment. As this global pandemic is spreading very rapidly and the need for ventilators and other important medical equipment is increasing. There is also a high need of hand sanitizers, face masks and other essential medical items.

File:Mechanical ventilator.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Auto parts makers have offer their manufacturing facilities, resources and as well as their expertise to make medical equipment such as ventilators and other vital medical equipment. Note here that the ventilators present in the countries are not sufficient if the virus affects a large portion of the population.
Coronavirus started spreading from Wuhan, China, and so far, it has affected more than 1,216, 422 people in different parts of the world. The virus has also resulted in the death of more than 60,000 people so far. Currently; Asia, Europe, North and South America, Middle east and many other countries have also been affected by the Coronavirus.

Auto Industry Halts Production Due To Coronavirus

The Auto industry all over the world halts production due to the global pandemic of Coronavirus. Majority of the companies in the auto industry have already suspended their activities and temporarily stopped production. Whereas, rest of them will also be doing the same in coming days. As this global pandemic have badly affected the Auto Industry around the world in so many countries. 
File:Geely assembly line in Beilun, Ningbo.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

The UK car industry is slowly grinding to a halt after BMW, Toyota and Honda said that they would temporarily shut down their UK factories because of this coronavirus pandemic. 

Moreover, Nissan and Vauxhall have already closed their plants. In North America, one of the most well established names of auto industry Ford and General Motors (GM) have stopped their production. 

In Europe, many car manufacturers have agreed on temporarily shutting down their factories. Many big names like Ferrari, Mercedes, Renault, PSA, Volkswagen. All these companies are struggling in this difficult time due to travel restrictions all over the world. They can't get the spare parts and other items from different countries due to lock-down everywhere. 

The recently imposed lock-down by the government and the threat of coronavirus rapidly spreading across the country have compelled the auto manufacturers in Pakistan to halt the manufacturing of vehicles. Toyota, Honda and Suzuki are the notable manufacturers which stopped the production, along with many local car manufacturers. 

One of the major reasons behind shutting down plants is that due to the lockdown, the workers and other employees cannot commute to manufacturing plants. Also, note here that the manufacturers of OEM parts and other auto-related industries like tire manufacturers have also halted their operations. All of these car manufacturers have been badly affected and the auto industry is facing difficult time due to this global pandemic. 

5 Must-Have Products For Rainy And Foggy Weather

Free stock photo of cleaning, products
Rainy and foggy weather conditions bring many problems for your car. Your car gets soaked in water, especially if you do not have a garage, and it also can break down while you are traveling on the road. In order to address these issues, we have compiled a list of 5 Must-Have Products that you can keep in your car for rainy and foggy weather. These items will keep your car in good shape and will help you in avoiding unnecessary nuisance.

Detailing Cloth
This is a large-size drying towel that helps in rainy and foggy weather to keep your car dry. This detailing cloth has several water magnets that soak water quicker and more efficiently than a normal piece of cloth. With just one swipe across the body of your car, you can get rid of water. It will also not leave water droplets that happen in the case of normal cloth. You can also use this towel to dry your car after you have washed it at home. 

Car Top Cover
This is a waterproof car cover that comes with double stitched material. Underneath the cover, you can a microfiber cover that does not leave any sort of scratches and keep your car clean. This is especially useful if you do not have a garage to park your car. This waterproof car cover will not only protect your car from water but also from dust and dirt. 

Anti-fog spray
This is an anti-fog spray that comes in a transparent plastic bottle. This spray will prevent the accumulation of fog on your car’s windscreen in a foggy and/or rainy weather conditions. This will immensely improve the visibility in such weather conditions; therefore, you can enjoy a stress-free ride. Driving with a foggy windscreen can be dangerous for you and others traveling on the road. 

Car jump starter
This is a very convenient and handy toolkit that you must have in the rainy weather to jump-start your car so that you are not left stranded on the the road. To jump-start, your car simply connects the toolkit with your battery and turn on the ignition. It is a small toolkit that you can keep in your trunk at all times. It's easy to fit and use in times when your car is not starting and there is no one to help you. 

Ceramic Wax
You just have to apply this wax after cleaning the car. When you apply a coat of this wax, the water washes off without accumulating. This results in no water droplets on the exterior paint in rainy or foggy weather conditions. Moreover, this wax will also keep your car nice and shiny. 


Factors That Increase Fuel Consumption – Check Them Out!

Fuel efficiency and consumption matters a lot for your car. If you are not careful, poor fuel consumption can cost you a lot of money and can damage your car's condition. Keeping a check of some key elements can help you in drastically improving the fuel consumption of your car. If your car is not returning the expected fuel consumption, do check the following points to figure out what can be a possible problem. 

HD wallpaper: Fuel Consumption HD, math, orange, rocket, vector ...

Poor Quality of Engine oil
Engine oil is the most important component for any car, you have to buy the right engine oil for your car. Poor quality engine oil can get you in trouble, it causes pressure and stress on the engine and other related parts due to which engine start consuming more and more fuel. Consult your car’s owner’s manual or visit your nearest dealership to get information on the right quality and type of engine oil for your car. Moreover, after the recommended mileage, do change your car’s engine oil as it can make a significant difference in fuel consumption as well. 

Bad Condition of Tires
Old tires lose their traction on the road eventually, and they have to spin more to maintain a certain speed. This consumes more fuel than necessary. Low tire pressure can also lead to more fuel consumption. Do check your tires air pressure in regular intervals. Keep your tires at an optimal pressure as recommended by the manufacturer. Wheel alignment must also be right to get the best fuel economy for your car. Tires in good condition also improve the handling of your car. 

Poor Fuel Quality
Quality of fuel matters a lot for your car, Always try to get fuel for your car from a renowned fuel station. Bad quality fuel will take longer and will require larger quantities to power the engine. This will also increase the accumulation of waste after the burning of the fuel in the intake valves and injector nozzles. Good quality fuel is always good for the longevity of your car’s engine. After some time do mix high octane fuel with the simple one to achieve better efficiency. 

Poor Maintenance
Delayed and poor tuning of your car can lead to higher fuel consumption. Make sure your mechanic is skilled or take your car to a dealership certified by your car’s manufacturer. Company dealerships usually have the right tools and machinery to take good care of your car. However, they charge more than local vendors. Keep a schedule chart in your car’s dashboard to note down car tuning dates. This will help you get your car’s tuning and servicing done on time. 

Over-speeding, Overloading and Air Conditioning
Over-speeding always puts a strain on the engine as it has to work hard. This results in more fuel consumption than driving at normal speeds. Generally, in normal cars, speeds above 120 km/h result in fuel wastage. Similarly, overloading also puts undue pressure on the engine. In order to propel the added weight, the engine must work harder to produce more power; therefore, using more fuel in the process. If you are driving with air conditioning turned on, the engine surely consumes more fuel.


Coronavirus Outbreak: Follow These Safety Measures While Commuting!

Corona Virus is spreading at a rapid pace across the world. It started spreading from Wuhan, China, and so far, it has affected more than 100,000 people in different parts of the world. More than 55,000 people have died by this disease worldwide. The countries most affected by this virus are USA, Italy and Spain. where reported confirmed  cases are more than 100,000.

Virus Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 - Free image on Pixabay

In such a situation, it has become essential to adopt precautionary measures, especially while traveling. It’s not only important to save you only but to contribute in controlling the rapid spread of the virus. n case you’re commuting on a motorbike or a car, it’s important to follow these preventive measures to stay safe from the lethal virus outbreak.

  • Avoid unnecessary travel to markets, malls, or any crowded place
  • Use a protective face mask while going out
  • Wear hand gloves 
  • Maintain personal hygiene
  • Wash hands for 20 seconds and face properly at regular intervals
  • Maintain social distance with people in public
  • Keep a hand sanitizer with you while you travel
  • Avoid contact with anything at public places which might be contaminated
  • Avoid traveling on public transport
  • Use helmets while commuting on motorbikes
  • Avoid eating fast-food and any unhealthy food by going out to hotels, restaurants
  • Avoid touching your eye, nose or mouth with unwashed hand

Travel Restrictions Border - Free image on Pixabay

The outbreak of the lethal virus is immense, and as a responsible citizen, we need to follow the precautionary instructions to keep yourself and fellow citizens safe as well.

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